Sunday, August 28, 2011

Victor (Hugo) Rivera!

I actually got another interview. That was…unexpected. As you probably know, Victor was one of the coolest RAs at LMU this year (my roommate Stella and I made a point of bother -- er, hanging out with him whenever we got the chance). Enjoy his interview, CTYers!

1. What is your full name and date of birth?

Victor Rivera, and November 21, 1990.

2. What were your first thoughts about CTY?

Like, as an organization? I thought it was a summer academic camp for gifted students. But that's boring. When I stepped onto campus and actually was a part of CTY, I thought it was super cool and had awesome weather, awesome kids, and awesome food. I was right on most counts. Not on one. (The food one). The food was okay. (I got tired of the food pretty quickly). But I can't cook for myself, so I wasn't complaining. I was not okay with how rarely they made corn-dogs. They made it twice that I knew of, which I felt counted as teasing. If they made more corn-dogs in the cafeteria, I'd have been a lot happier. If I had to change one thing about LMU, it would be the number of time they served corn-dogs.

3. Are there any canon songs that you particularly like, and are there any that you don't like?

I'm generally fine with the canon songs, but there's just one in particular that sends me into flashbacks of my days as a DJ: Sandstorm. It's typically a last-resort for DJs, since it'll buy you a few extra minutes and people love dancing to it for some reason (even though a good chunk of it is silence). But I like the canon songs. My favorite one is the Cupid Shuffle, because I'm really good at following directions and even kicking it, if I need to (you need to, in the Cupid Shuffle). Even though it's not a canon, I wish we'd played the Party Rock Anthem more often, because I didn't hear that enough this summer.

4. Which session do you prefer?

Well, both have their ups and downs. First session, I've energy but I'm also still getting my bearings. Second session, I'm exhausted but I know the ins and outs of the campus and administration. If I had to pick one, I'd say first session, just because waking up at 7 am is just a little bit less of a misery. And I'm not bored of the food yet. But if they served corn-dogs every day of second session, then I would pick second session every time. I hope someone from the cafeteria is reading this and taking notes.

5. What was your favorite activity that you ran?

I really wanted to yell at students for an hour and make them do all sorts of miserable exercises, so I did that. But instead of calling it "Victor's Happy Time" I called it "Boot Camp." Second Session, a bunch of kids signed up for it and even asked me to repeat the activity the next week. I have no idea why. Apparently running laps and doing squats, pushups, planks, and jumping-jacks is enjoyable for some people. Masochists. But who am I to deny happiness to those around me?

6. Do you consider yourself a "nerd"?

I'm pretty nerdy. I'm an English major, which means I spend hours a day with my nose in a book or three. I play video games still, my hallway was Megaman-themed during the second session, I go to a nerdy college, and I just re-watched the original Star Wars trilogy this summer. By myself. So, yeah, I'm a nerd. And lonely, from the sound of it.

7. What was your most awkward moment in either session?

Probably second session, when I was a floater for the Weekly activities. I helped out the Harry Potter activity, which was immediately awkward when the students realized that I knew nothing about HP. "Name your favorite character, and they can't be the main ones." ", the snake from the Chamber of Secrets was cool." "You mean the Basilisk?" Or, "What color was Ginny's pet Pygmy Puff [I had to google that name]?" "Um, wasn't it a tabby cat?" It got really bad. Later on, we were reading our fortunes and the students told me that I was going to be run over by a bus. And an elephant. And I got the big black dog that Harry got. And also that I would develop severe depression and my wife would die at an early age. So, you know, happy things. To top it off, I got called a mudblood. AND a squib. Which I'm pretty sure are derogatory terms. Thanks for reminding me of that. Now I'm sad again.

8. Do you like Harry Potter, Monty Python, The Princess Bride, and other things CTY celebrates?

As you can tell, Harry Potter isn't my favorite series (though I've read all the books). I love the Princess Bride, but I haven't seen enough Monty Python to be able to say I like it or I dislike it (but I do get references to them). I actually just saw The Princess Bride on TV the other night. Again, I was alone. This is depressing. I guess you could say I have crippling self-confidence issues of unusual size! Wayooo, Princess Bride tie-in!! *sob*

9. If you were to conquer LMU, which dorm would be your fortress, which two RAs (one male, one female) would you enlist, and which buildings would you seize first?

I would hole up in Doheny for the sinks in each room, which I feel would come really in handy if I needed to wash my hands and I was in a room. I would pick Jordan and Divya as my two RAs, because they are lightweight and could be thrown moderate distances to distract people in case I needed to make a quick escape (love you guys!). I would seize Sullivan in order to gain access to RA Heaven, in case I need to make a battering ram out of 3 pool noodles, half a roll of duct tape, a beach ball, and some glitter

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