Chucho's soooo nice!
Jesús Adrián Pérez Cuesy, born November 30th, 1990. I know! My name is long! Here in México we use up to two names, our father's last name and our mother's last name.
2. Is it strange attending CTY as a student and then enforcing the rules as an RA?
2. Is it strange attending CTY as a student and then enforcing the rules as an RA?
I wouldn't say strange. From the day that my CTY experience as a student was over, I knew that I wanted to be an RA. At Monterrey site, most of the students were older (16-17) and we got along really well with the RA's! I was only kind of afraid that my students wouldn't like me or that they would give me a hard time with lights out (not that I did that when I was a student right? Lol!) but nothing of that happened! It was awesome! :) I'm not fond of rules, but when I was a student, I realized that rules @ CTY had a reason of being... So it was simple to follow them, and I had one of the best experiences of my life! So when enforcing them, I just tried to make students see that I believed in the rules and that they were really easy to follow! :)
3. What was your favorite item of food at the cafeteria?
3. What was your favorite item of food at the cafeteria?
Iced tea! Jaja does that count!? I just loved it! And I miss it so much now... :/
4. Which CTY tradition is your favorite?
4. Which CTY tradition is your favorite?
Hmm... To be honest, I'm not very into traditions... When I was a student, since it was Monterrey's first year, and half of the students were from México and only half of them knew english, traditions were not very important... (And just fyi, we all had an awesome time enjoying things as they came! So I would advice you not to obsess with traditions...) The only tradition I remember we enforced was the American Pie dance... That I'll never forget! :) Though we didn't scream "orgy" at the end... Which honestly, I liked better! Ok... So... Now is the part when I fear to be taken as "rebel" that "doesn't stick to the CTY student codes" and that "doesn't enforce tradition as he should"... But I'm trying to be honest here... Die, live, sex, more, has been going on for MANY years now... But orgy... I just think it's a lil' too much!
Oreo's Comment: Sage Virtanen should listen to this answer ^
5. Which session do you prefer?
5. Which session do you prefer?
You'll probably get the same answer from most RA's here! First session you aren't tired at all, second you are close to passing out from fatigue! But I think both are just as meaningful and encouraging... They are different in many many things! And differences are what make things unique and irreplaceable... I'm just glad I was able to work both sessions... And I would love to work both sessions again! :)
6. Did you ever play pranks on students or RAs this year? if so, what?
6. Did you ever play pranks on students or RAs this year? if so, what?
Jajaja why do you ask ME this question? Do I look like someone who likes people to get punked!? (Rhethorical question!)
I did prank Erik! :D Jaja it was so funny! I should've played pranks on more people more often! But I'll keep it in mind for next year! In the meanwhile I'll tell you bout Erik! Lol!
So all the RA's decided to go to Santa Monica one morning just to chill you know!? So once we were there, most of us went shopping! And while some bought flip flops, shorts, hats and dresses, guess what I bought!? A whopee cushion! XD
We were going back and everyone was bragging bout their clothes and I thought: "Man! Am I ever going to grow up!?" (Btw! The answer to that is "NO"!) :)
So well! We were at the posts for social time that night! I was with Patrice at the Fountain and Erik was at the door of Doheny! So we called him to come over to the fountain, and when he was sitting down, (whopee cushion sound) he farted! XD
Jajajaja that was pretty funny! :)
7. Do you like such nerdy CTY things like Harry Potter, The Princess Bride, Monty Python, etc.?
I did prank Erik! :D Jaja it was so funny! I should've played pranks on more people more often! But I'll keep it in mind for next year! In the meanwhile I'll tell you bout Erik! Lol!
So all the RA's decided to go to Santa Monica one morning just to chill you know!? So once we were there, most of us went shopping! And while some bought flip flops, shorts, hats and dresses, guess what I bought!? A whopee cushion! XD
We were going back and everyone was bragging bout their clothes and I thought: "Man! Am I ever going to grow up!?" (Btw! The answer to that is "NO"!) :)
So well! We were at the posts for social time that night! I was with Patrice at the Fountain and Erik was at the door of Doheny! So we called him to come over to the fountain, and when he was sitting down, (whopee cushion sound) he farted! XD
Jajajaja that was pretty funny! :)
7. Do you like such nerdy CTY things like Harry Potter, The Princess Bride, Monty Python, etc.?
I do like nerdy CTY things... I like nerdy things... I like "intellectual" things such as art cinema and stuff... But I also like many other things! :) I try to find something positive everywhere... So it's not hard to like movies from Casablanca to Transformers, and it's not hard to like things from skateboarding to game theory! ;) I just try to enjoy everything! :) But I do like nerdy CTY things! :P
8. Did you ever lose your patience when it came to your hall?
8. Did you ever lose your patience when it came to your hall?
NEVER! And that could be considered quite amazing cause I'm not the most tolerant individual! But here's the thing! The only thing that gets on my nerves is human stupidity! And even though students at CTY are not always standing for the T, (let's face it! You know it too! Lol! XD ) they're very far away from what I consider human stupidity! ;)
9. If you were to conquer LMU, which dorm would be your fortress, which two RAs (one male, one female) would you enlist, and which buildings would you seize first?
9. If you were to conquer LMU, which dorm would be your fortress, which two RAs (one male, one female) would you enlist, and which buildings would you seize first?
Jaja that's a strange question! :P
Humm... I would choose Rosecrans as my fortress just because that's the building I got used to! I would chose Justin (pretty strong) and Sofia, (did you ever see her Tae Kwon Do kicks!? O.O Lol!) and I would seize Sullivan just because the main office was there! :
Humm... I would choose Rosecrans as my fortress just because that's the building I got used to! I would chose Justin (pretty strong) and Sofia, (did you ever see her Tae Kwon Do kicks!? O.O Lol!) and I would seize Sullivan just because the main office was there! :